Archive for November, 2006

Bill of Rights:2 Bush: 0

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

Free at last! Free at last! Ok maybe that is being too overdrawn bringing MLK Jr. into the fray, but the message is clear. Finally Amercia has woken up and hopefully rid ourselves of that pestulant Republican stronghold that has hung like funeral smoke over personal freedom, liberty, and the REAL value of the American way of life. My question to you if you are a Republican is what did the Bill of Rights do to you, that for the last 6 years you have been so eager to wring from its delicate fibers the last drop of value that it has provided our country over the past 200 odd years? Were you so offended that others who don’t look like you, think like you, dress like you and worship like you could strive to enjoy the same benefits that we enjoy today

Thank God Americans woke up yesterday and voted for change. While it is extremely disheartening to know that only 40% of elegible voters actually participated in the election, it is nice to know that those who did were motivated by anger, frustration and a genuine desire for change. I was sincerely beginning to worry that we, as a country, had completely lost our minds and decided to let the Evangelical fanatics of the far right dictate what it is we should and should not be or do. I can’t wait to see our President have to actually contemplate both sides of an issue and make an actual intelligent decision. I really don’t think he can do it. But we shall see won’t we?

I don’t truly hate Republicans. I just depsise anyone who would be willing to disregard the Bill of Rights in such a blatant and callous manner. This is a country built upon the foundation of personal and religious freedom and we are expected to practice these rights on a regular basis. If we fail to exercise our personal voice, like we have in the last 6 years, then we have already seen the consequences for that failure. Bush has not truly won an election yet, and despite having no mandate from the public he proceeded, with his neo-con cronies, to display such hubris that it has cost this country countless lives in a meaningless war which was being run in such a state of disregard for those who actually had to place their feet where Bush’s mouth went. Not a very pleasant place I would suggest as well.

Maybe now we can actualy have truly “compassionate” governing in this country? Who knows? I know that the democrats are just as in bed with special interest and big buisness as the republicans are. At the least though we will not have our personal rights and freedoms dictated to us by such a vocal minority. To all my Evangelicals out there who believe so strongly that every act of every event is personally wrought by the all mighty I ask you this question, “what the hell do you think this means then?” Chew on that and try not to choke on your hipocracy as you spit the answer out. True freedom is found not by following an extremist path but rather by thoughtful consideration of what the middle represents and following, maybe with a slight lean, to this more popular path.

Now if we can only remove big corporations from the business of politics we will make a truly monumental leap that maybe won’t have Ben Franklin wishing for another lightening built to smack his backside.

To those who voted thank you. Even if you voted Republican you at least voted and that’s as it should be. For those that didn’t you should really look at how close these elections were and don’t kid yourself. Your vote matters.

All the best,


4 months already?

Sunday, November 5th, 2006

Are you kidding me! 4 months ago we were at the hospital, in the middle of the night, waiting expectantly for our new friend to arrive. I can’t believe that it’s possible for time to go by this quickly. I know that everyone said this would happen. “Next thing you know he’ll be 16 and you won’t even notice where and how everything changed.” Heard it a hundred different ways. Everyone was right.

I wouldn’t trade these 4 months for anything though. Our little boy is incredibile! He is laughing and smiling and talking to us all of the time. He genuinely enjoys hanging out with Jenny and I as do we. The other night all three of us were sitting on the couch and he was looking between Jenny and me and would smile, babble, and reach up and pull my hair or touch my cheek. It was magic! I guess it’s nice right now because he depends on us for everything. And with this dependence he allows us to share in his growth and development. Of course he is helping us to grow as well. I was very sick two weekends ago. Imagine me getting sick….it’s not like I am around sick kids all the time…but anyways. I caught a stomach bug and was feeling very puny for about two days. This was right before his baptismal weekend. I didn’t want to touch Turner or even kiss him because I didn’t want to spread my condition to him. On some level I think he understood this. As Jenny was getting him ready to go to school I waved by and told him I was sorry I couldn’t hug and kiss on him like a normally would. He just laughed and smiled at me with this big toothless grin. I melted and felt complete warmth spread throughout my body. And then when they left back upstairs to visit the restroom again…

The baptism weekend went very well. I was able to finsih the major overhaul of the backyard in time for everyone to come over and enjoy the work that I did. We had about 35 people over at the house for an after baptismal cook-out. I guess about half of these people were actually at the baptism. We were all grateful for everyone’s support and encouragement during this time. Turner loved being around everyone. He seems to enjoy people and new events which, as I have stated before is a good thing. We had family come in town from NY, NY., Atlanta, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and places in between. We also had several neighbors and various other friends. It was an afternoon of good times at least that’s what I was told. As you know when you host a party you don’t actually get to attend the party. Maybe I need some pointers.

Anyways it’s getting late. I just want you to know that we truely appreciate everyone who attended and missed those that couldn’t. Please go to the webpage and check out the latest pics that I have posted. They included the baptism, party, and halloween. Halloween will be another blog unto its self probably.

All the best,